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Are You Trapped in Your Medicare Advantage Plan? May 20, 2024 by Sarah Jane Tribble - In 2016, Richard Timmins went to a free informational seminar to learn more about Medicare coverage.
About 25 Percent of Older Adults in the United States Will Fall Within the Next Year May 1, 2024 by Mary Jacobs - At the end of each appointment, Jo Ann Battles’ cardiologist offers a “thought for the day.” Four years ago, it was this tongue-in-cheek advice: “Whatever you do, don’t fall.” Battles didn’t think much about it. At the time, she was…
Do We Simply Not Care about Older People? April 23, 2024 by Judith Graham - The COVID-19 pandemic would be a wake-up call for America, advocates for the elderly predicted
Should Older People Take the New Weight Loss Drugs? April 3, 2024 by Judith Graham - Corlee Morris has dieted throughout her adult life. After her weight began climbing in high school, she spent years losing 50 or 100 pounds then gaining it back.
Don’t Forget Your Eyes March 21, 2024 by Bernard J. Wolfson - I vividly remember that late Friday afternoon when my eye pressure spiked, and I staggered on foot to my ophthalmologist’s office as the rapidly thickening fog in my field of vision shrouded passing cars and traffic lights.
When Is It Time to Move to Senior Housing? March 6, 2024 by Mary Jacobs - Even after a diagnosis of vascular dementia, Laura Brancato’s father was able to stay in his own home for years.
In Later Life, Is a Little Excess Weight Such a Bad Thing? February 14, 2024 by Judith Graham - Millions of people enter later life carrying an extra 10 to 15 pounds, weight they’ve gained after having children, developing joint problems, becoming less active or making meals the center of their social lives.
Addiction in Older Adults: A Problem on the Rise February 6, 2024 by Mary Jacobs - Jane’s adult children worried she was sinking into dementia. Her behavior had changed. She wasn’t taking care of her physical appearance. She was forgetful and missing appointments. Maybe it was time, family members wondered, to move her into assisted living. …
Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers January 10, 2024 by Mary Jacobs - This is part 2 of a series about caregiving from a distance. Read part 1 here. Fern, 92, called her daughter in a panic. She couldn’t turn off her television because she couldn’t find the remote. Due to Fern’s hearing…
What to Expect as You Age December 28, 2023 by Judith Graham - How many of us have wanted a reliable, evidence-based guide to aging that explains how our bodies and minds change as we grow older and how to adapt to those differences?
Caring from Afar December 8, 2023 by Mary Jacobs - This is part 1 of a series about caregiving from a distance. Read part 2 here. A few years before he passed away, Maria Hood noticed that her father wasn’t shaving or showering regularly, which was unusual, because the retired…
Dementia Can Take a Toll on Financial Health November 21, 2023 by Sarah Boden - Angela Reynolds knew her mother’s memory was slipping, but she didn’t realize how bad things had gotten until she started to untangle her mom’s finances: unpaid bills, unusual cash withdrawals and the discovery that, oddly, the mortgage on the family home had been refinanced at a higher interest rate.
Special Programs Teach Much-Needed Skills to Dementia Caregivers November 15, 2023 by Judith Graham - There’s no cure—yet—for Alzheimer’s disease. But dozens of programs developed in the past 20 years can improve the lives of both people living with dementia and their caregivers.
What AI Can Do for Older Adults November 7, 2023 by Mary Jacobs - When Alyssa Weakley’s 82-year-old grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2019, the family scrambled to respond. Her grandmother lived in southern California; Weakley and other family members were in northern California and Washington State. As problems arose, they took turns…
Remote Work: An Underestimated Benefit for Family Caregivers October 31, 2023 by Joanne Kenen - For Aida Beltré, working remotely during the pandemic came as a relief.
More Older Americans Likely to Die of Heart Disease in the Future October 5, 2023 by Judith Graham - Cardiovascular disease—the No. 1 cause of death among people 65 and older—is poised to become more prevalent in the years ahead
Innovators Find Creative Ways to Connect the Generations September 12, 2023 by Mary Jacobs - As the pandemic receded, Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, a community center in New York City’s Upper East Side, came back to life. The halls buzzed with people of all ages, from young children in the preschool to older adults who…
What to Do When Your Older Parents Resist Help or Advice August 28, 2023 by Judith Graham - It was a regrettable mistake. But Kim Sylvester thought she was doing the right thing at the time.
The Cure Can Be Worse Than the Disease August 23, 2023 by Jyoti Madhusoodanan - In October 2021, 84-year-old Jim Yeldell was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. The first drug he tried disrupted his balance and coordination, so his doctor halved the dose to minimize these side effects, Yeldell recalled.
Making the Most of the ‘Extra 30’ August 7, 2023 by Mary Jacobs - When Bob Evans lost his job in 2009, he began to consider what was next. He’d spent more than 30 years in the horticulture industry, mostly in sales and customer service positions in landscaping and lawn care. His wife reminded…