By Nina Totenberg – Simon & Schuster, 2022
National Public Radio correspondent Nina Totenberg chronicles her nearly 50-year friendship with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Their friendship began when Totenberg was a young journalist covering the Supreme Court, and Ginsburg was a rising legal scholar. They quickly discovered a shared passion for social justice and women’s rights. They supported each other through personal and professional challenges and shared countless meals, laughter and heartfelt conversations. This biography shows Ginsburg beyond the public figure, revealing her as a complex, witty and deeply caring individual, who worked—and worked out—into her 80s. The book also explores the challenges and triumphs of Totenberg’s career. Totenberg delves into the families, colleagues and friends (you’ll recognize many of them) who uplifted her, both personally and professionally. You won’t want to miss this heartfelt homage to a lifelong bond that will inspire and remind you of the profound impact of human connection.